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Calendar of   Events

Misty Woodland

June 2019


Rose Magic

Monday, June 3rd, 2019 6-9pm

Sequim's Sunshie Cafe - 145 West Washington St. Sequim, WA


Join Ellen Hammer of Good Green Earth and co-host Dianne Drake from Sequim's Sunshine Cafe for a fun evening of Rose Magic.

Explore the beauty that rose has to offer. Wild Roses are abundant this time of year and there are many ways we can utilize this magical flower. Is it food? Is it a physical medicine? Is it an energetic medicine? Come prepared to learn about some recipes that you can make yourself that fall into all of these categories.

This is an empowerment workshop - our goal is to encourage our community to dive deeper into the green world around us and empower them to learn more about whole person physical/spiritual/energetic health.

Please RSVP to
Cost $10 at the door




Nourishing Herbal Infusion workshop

Tuesday, June 18th, 2019 6-9pm

Sequim's Sunshine Cafe - 145 West Washington St. Sequim, WA


Join Ellen Hammer of Good Green Earth and co-host Dianne Drake of Sequim's Sunshine Cafe for an informative evening on nourishing herbal infusions.

Learn how to make nourishing herbal infusions and how they nourish your body, mind and spirit. Infusions are a large amount of herbs brewed for a long time. The long steeping allows the nutrients in the plants to be better absorbed by your body and more available. The nutrient rich nourishing herbs build a foundation for vital health.


This is an empowerment workshop - our goal is to encourage our community to dive deeper into the green world around us and empower them to learn more about whole person physical/spiritual/energetic health.

Please RSVP to
Cost $10 at the door




Tree Talk - an Experiential Workshop

Friday, June 21st, 2019 9am - 12 pm - Summer Solstice!


On behalf of the trees, I invite you to join me for a morning of tree communication. I am offering an experiential workshop where you will:
- Relax, ground and connect with Divine and Earth energies through a guided Tree Meditation
- Sing with the trees
- Learn about Shamanic Listening and experience breath exchange with trees
- Journal with a tree to see what gifts trees hold for you
- Have an introduction to Shamanic Herbalism
- Begin on a journey of a two-way conversation with trees via plant communication
- Connect with like-minded people, opening a conversation with others about plant communication in our community


Sign up here!

Rose Magic
Nourishing Herbal Infusions
Tree Talk at La Poel
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